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Let's talk about us until we form our web… Where each thread weaves new specters of a better future

- Paul Parra

TRANSpassadxs is an exhibition about trans people.​

It is also an account of transgender lives in Brazil, a country that killed at least 124 transvestites and transsexuals in 2019, according to a new dossier by the National Association of Transvestites and Transsexuals (ANTRA, 2020).

Taking as a starting point stories reported by ten trans people, TRANSpassadxs proposes to carry out a hybrid exhibition, which interweaves the abstract works of Paul Parra in dialogue with audiovisual short films, created together with the artists Kaian Ciasca and Rafa Kennedy. The exhibition will be held in two cities in the interior of São Paulo: Campinas and Sorocaba, with a theme that explores the imagery and sensitive creation from the sharing of stories and experiences of ten trans people.

As a manifesto for life, the exhibition suggests the act of run through: piercing, penetrating, crossing. It is a poetic experimentation that intersects trans lives with abstract images, in the formation of an imagery and audiovisual narrative, which crosses the experiences, bodies and subjectivity of the people who report them. In this artistic co-creation, where the aim is to know and investigate not only the access routes, but also the crossroads of these transits between genres.


The project was contemplated in the PROAC notice to encourage the development of popular, traditional, urban, black, indigenous and plural culture in 2019.


The project was contemplated in the PROAC notice to encourage the development of popular, traditional, urban, black, indigenous and plural culture in 2019.

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